

H = ParaHerm(G)


function H = ParaHerm(G);


H = ParaHerm(G)

   Returns the parahermitian (i.e. the complex conjugate transpose, time
   reversed matrix) of the MIMO system matrix G.
   If G represents a polynomial matrix G(z) of order L with
      G(z) = G0 + G1 z^{-1} + G2 z^{-2} + ... + GL z^{-L}
      G(:,:,1) = G0;
      G(:,:,2) = G1;
      G(:,:,3) = G2;
      G(:,:,L) = GL;
   The parahermitian H(z) = G~(z) is given by
      H(:,:,1)   = GL';
      H(:,:,L-1) = G1';
      H(:,:,L)   = G0';
   Note that (.)' is the Hermitian transpose operator.

   Input parameter:
      H      K x N x L    MIMO system matrix

   Output parameter:
      G      N x K x L    MIMO system matrix


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function H = ParaHerm(G);
0002 %H = ParaHerm(G)
0003 %
0004 %   Returns the parahermitian (i.e. the complex conjugate transpose, time
0005 %   reversed matrix) of the MIMO system matrix G.
0006 %
0007 %   If G represents a polynomial matrix G(z) of order L with
0008 %      G(z) = G0 + G1 z^{-1} + G2 z^{-2} + ... + GL z^{-L}
0009 %   then
0010 %      G(:,:,1) = G0;
0011 %      G(:,:,2) = G1;
0012 %      G(:,:,3) = G2;
0013 %      ...
0014 %      G(:,:,L) = GL;
0015 %   The parahermitian H(z) = G~(z) is given by
0016 %      H(:,:,1)   = GL';
0017 %      ...
0018 %      H(:,:,L-1) = G1';
0019 %      H(:,:,L)   = G0';
0020 %   Note that (.)' is the Hermitian transpose operator.
0021 %
0022 %   Input parameter:
0023 %      H      K x N x L    MIMO system matrix
0024 %
0025 %   Output parameter:
0026 %      G      N x K x L    MIMO system matrix
0028 % S Weiss, Univ of Southampton, 15/7/2004
0030 [M,N,L] = size(G);
0031 H = zeros(N,M,L);
0032 for m = 1:M,
0033   for n = 1:N,
0034      H(n,m,:) = conj(G(m,n,end:-1:1));
0035   end;  
0036 end;

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